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At Filmhøjskolen, it's about your story, your experiences, and the life you live. You will meet friends for life and your future Film Crew. Here, we take care of each other, and although we focus heavily on film, there is time and space for nature, body, and immersion at Filmhøjskolen.  At Filmhøjskolen, your teachers are skilled, professional people from the film industry. You don’t need to have prior experience with film to join us, because it’s incollaboration that we create the magic.



All Danish folk high schools must teach and use Danish in everyday life. However, room has been made for high schools to admit international students as well as students from the Nordic countries.

When being admitted as a non-Danish student, it is informed beforehand that the primary language of instruction is Danish. Foreign students understand that it is more important for them to learn the Danish language than for us to improve, for example, in English. Students contribute to foreign students' Danish language skills by speaking Danish in daily life. We find ourselves in a somewhat unclear situation! We try to mix languages in everyday life and encourage students who are interested to assist foreign students with translation and understanding.


However, we cannot demand that a teacher instructs in English or other languages besides Danish. Students also cannot demand that instruction takes place in languages other than Danish. Therefore, it is a daily exercise where we work together to find a balance when the school has international students.


We ask for your help and understanding.

Each semester consists of 6 elements:

1. Introduction to Filmhøjskolen 
2. Introduction to Fiction 

  • Dramaturgy & Script 

  • Directing 

  • Camera 

  • Production Design 

  • Editing (Da Vinci Resolve)

  • Sound 

  • Production 

3. Documentary Course and Production​
4. Fiction Course and Productions
5. Artistic Experiment

6. Outro with Gala, Guidance, and Moving Forward


The program includes plenty of fun, social gatherings, presentations from the film industry, parties, project periods, and excursions.



You will learn to tell stories through film, drawing from within yourself!

You will meet our dedicated teachers, who come from the film industry and will become your future network. The semester is structured so that you learn about all aspects of film production and storytelling. As the semester progresses, you can choose to specialize in what interests you the most: direction, editing, photography, or other areas.

As a student, you will create several works while attending Film School. The program concludes with a final film project and a grand gala premiere.


You will also create smaller films, ranging from fun assignments to complete, shorter films.

Our academic offerings are of high quality, but Film School is also a true folk high school experience with morning songs, debates, conversations, democratic decision-making processes, and plenty of social interaction, parties, and time spent in the fantastic nature of Møn.


A societal perspective is integrated into all teaching, focusing on our shared history, the present, and the future.

Film has the power to change both you and the world!


Your works should meet an audience! ​ It's not uncommon for the school's students, while here, to create ideas and productions that come to life after their stay. Often, ideas and collaborations arise that continue long after we bid farewell. Students move in together, form work collectives, create film projects, or establish production companies together.

Our students also often return to the school and create films at Filmhus Møn (see button).

It's important to us that our students use what they learn here as a springboard in their future lives.

It's important for the students to take the ability to function within a community, discipline, and professionalism with them - whether they intend to work in the world of film or not.

A semester at the Film High School concludes with a gala celebration, where students showcase their graduation films to an audience. Each semester, the students' graduation films premiere at Filmmagasinet EKKO.


It costs 1750 DKK per week to attend the Film High School.

The amount covers accommodation, meals, tuition, events, excursions, and equipment.

The tuition fee constitutes 60% of the weekly price.


Once we receive your application, we will send you an email after a few days. You will then need to pay an enrollment fee of 2500 DKK (335 EUR)


Once you have paid your enrollment fee, you are guaranteed a spot in your chosen semester, and you will receive a confirmation from our office.



Total price for the autumn (19 weeks): DKK 33,250 / Spring (22 weeks): DKK 38,500.


The school's office is always available to assist with finding a payment arrangement. However, as a starting point, the full course payment must be received by the school before the final production phase of the semester begins (midway through the semester). If you require a different type of arrangement, you can contact the business manager, Anette, at to discuss further.

If you have completely or temporarily interrupted higher education, you can receive a pit-stop arrangement with the school. This means you will receive a smaller discount. The same applies if you have not completed a high school (or similar) education. If you need guidance or other support, it is possible. The school's guidance efforts ensure that you can receive both support and advice in your daily life, both in personal matters and regarding your future aspirations.

As a high school spot cannot be replaced by anyone other than the enrolled student, we cannot refund the full course fee for an interrupted program. In principle, during the first 3 weeks of the course, we will withhold an amount corresponding to the end of the month in which the student withdraws + the following month. If you decide to interrupt the program later, we will not be able to offer a refund of the course fee, and any outstanding fees will be charged.

If you have enrolled for a semester, paid your course fee, and at least 10 days before the start you decide not to attend Film School, we will withhold 10,000 DKK from your payment to cover our costs.



At Film High School, most of what we do revolves around film. It's about learning to make films, watching films, and creating films yourself.

In our school, we admit a maximum of 36 students per semester. Among these, 2-8 students are project students. Project students are those who have already completed a semester at our film high school.


All students live in the same building: The livinghouse. Here, you'll find single, double, and triple rooms. Each room is different, and each of the school's three floors has its own bathroom and toilet facilities.

Editorial Groups


Right from the start, you will be part of a smaller editorial group consisting of 5-7 students. This editorial group becomes your close-knit team. Within your editorial group, you'll discuss both the small and big challenges of daily life, and it's with this group that you'll share cleaning and kitchen duties. You'll also plan parties, café evenings, and more with your editorial group.

General Folk High School Approach


Film High School is a general folk high school. In practice, this means that half of the education you receive at Film High School has a perspective that extends beyond the specific subject matter. This means that both teaching, exercises, assignments, and productions inherently carry a societal, historical, and/or cultural layer that both students and teachers draw upon. This could involve exploring current themes such as loneliness, substance abuse, gender stereotypes, and more. The important thing is that we, as a school, don't just aim to teach you how to make films. We also aim, and you'll notice this in your everyday experiences, to teach you to actively participate in society, with a fundamental understanding and responsibility for the communities that Danish society is built upon.

All folk high schools are different and have their own cultures and ways of operating. At Film High School, we view all our students as adult, future filmmakers who can and want to tell stories using film as a medium of expression.


The school's permanent staff takes care of day-to-day matters and project weeks. The teaching is conducted by professional filmmakers who are all skilled at conveying their craft.

As a student at Film High School, we don't require any prior experience from you before you arrive. However, we do expect that you love film and are willing to spend nearly all your time engaging with film during your stay with us. Of course, there's also room for socializing and enjoying the fantastic nature of Møn, including the sea, forests, cliffs, and the town.

Throughout several periods, you, as a student at Film High School, will be in production. This means that you and five other students will be working on creating short or longer films.

Academic Aspects in Daily Life

All students at Film High School go through the same academic curriculum. Only during project weeks are there occasionally different choices in terms of activities and assignments. When you leave the school after a semester, you will have:

Gained insight into roles and functions on a film set.

Explored various areas of film production and gained a better understanding of the area you are particularly passionate about: Producer, Screenwriter, Director, Cinematographer, Lighting Designer, Sound Designer, or Editor.

Created a fiction short film, a documentary film project, and completed a series of small film assignments and so-called pen tests.


The school is an open and creative place where there is room for diversity. As a student, one must have respect and tolerance for the fact that life can be lived in many ways. The school provides the framework for both the daily academic life, leisure activities, parties, and the small and big conversations.

As a school, we make ourselves available for constructive criticism, suggestions, and freedom of speech. We accept all forms of self-expression, as long as you honor your commitments, your studies, and can tolerate that other people may have different opinions than yours.

We create an artistic, safe space around our students and teachers. In that space, we can disagree, make mistakes, and challenge each other without losing respect for one another.


You borrow equipment at the school but are welcome to bring your own. Students take responsibility for the equipment they borrow and return it in the same condition as they received it.


If You are interested in our school you are very welcome to contact headmaster Lars Gandsø and arrange an online meeting. Write to:

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